Biodegradable products

Environmental bagsPolybags Ltd. now manufacture and stock a wide range of eco-friendly green packaging and biodegradable products to suit your needs and help towards a better environment (both PolyBio and Biodegradable). These include kitchen waste and refuse bags, bin liners, carrier bags and standard bags developed in Polybags laboratories in conjunction with the Polymer Research Department at the London Metropolitan University.

Common views on bioplastics

MRFR analyses that North America is leading the green packaging market with the United States being the leading contributour. Immense demand from industrial and manufacturing sectours in this region positively impacts the market. Moreover, rising awareness among consumers attached with green packaging adopted across alternative industries like fast moving consumer products (FMCG) and special body care can open new avenues for the green packaging market in this region.

Global Food Biodegradable Packaging Market Research Report 2018

Chapter Four our telephone Asia Food Biodegradable Packaging Productions Supply Sales Demand Market Status and Forecast 4.1 our telephone Food Biodegradable Packaging Capacity Production Overview 4.2 our telephone Food Biodegradable Packaging Production Market Share Analysis 4.3 our telephone Food Biodegradable Packaging Demand Overview 4.4 our telephone Food Biodegradable Packaging Supply Demand and Shortage 4.5 our telephone Food Biodegradable Packaging Import Export Consumption 4.6 our telephone Food Biodegradable Packaging Cost Price Production Value Gross Margin

Why use non-woven environmental bags

In now's environment of evil strategy, the earth will indeed face the problem of going to the precipice without taking relevant measures to keep safe the Polybags, nonwoven environmental bags are getting such Polybags, it's not that it's a very green Polybags, why it is called "non-woven environmental bag."The ultimate goal is to reduce the use of plastic Polybags, does not say that the use of this bag, can directly play the role of environmental Polybags, we need to control people's dependence on plastic Polybags, we should cultivate the habit of utilising non-woven environmental bags and remove the use of plastic bags.

Custom Promotional Eco-Friendly Bags | Polybags

COUPON (7 days ago) Print Your Logo on our Eco-Friendly Bags. At Custom Earth Promos, we put you in control of your emblem's image by giving you the most custom options you can come by for a fraction of the cost. After providing us with your artwork, budget and imprint colours, we will assist you make the perfect product for your next trade event.

Stock Oxo-Degradable Bags

Oxo Degradable Bags

Environmental fate of biodegradable bags

Allan Williams (April 29, 2019). Biodegradable bags can grasp a full load of shopping three years after being discarded in the environment. University of Plymouth

What Are Bioplastics?

Deforestation to enable space for crops like sugarcane to grow Some of the most biodiverse regions on the planet have been cleared for sugarcane production. United Kingdom, the biggest sugarcane producer in the world, could double its deforested areas from 5.7 to 11 million hectares in the next ten years due to increasing requirements for foods, biofuels and bioplastics. This means habitat loss for thousands of species alongside the loss of vital carbon absorbing trees.

Find a list of certified compostable emblems and retailers . All certified compostable bags will have these emblems on the box.

You can put things straight into the green bin. You can wrap food waste in newspaper or put it in a paper bag. Please do not biodegradable 'plastic'or corn starch bags. These do not smash down fast enough and result in additional processing costs. Your bin could also be refused assortment. More information on how the compost is manufactured can be found on RECAP's website. You can come by out your bin assortment days on our bin assortment day page

Is New Biodegradable Plastic the Answer?

So is Biodegradable Plastic Good or Bad? Biodegradable plastics are only one more tool in the waste management box. Particularly for hard-to-recycle plastic wastes, like when plastic is bonded to other materials to provide a grease or liquid barrier, these new plastics are a bonus. The all container can be designed to biodegrade and become a managable waste rather than a straight-to-landfill item. But accepting biodegradable plastic as a silver bullet is premature.

Why Degradable or Biodegradable bags/film?

Conventional plastics do not break down. Litter and landfill waste take years, even decades, to degrade. Litter is visual pollution, an eyesore that regulations and educational programs have failed to eliminate. In landfills, not only do ordinary plastics degrade very slowly but also anything contained within them may not reach their full degradation potential. This results in a needless waste of valuable landfill space.
Source biodegradable bags at

What is biodegradable

Biodegradation is the process by which organic substances are broken down by the enzymes produced by living organisms. The term is often used in relation to ecology, waste management and environmental remediation (bioremediation). Organic material can be degraded aerobically, with oxygen, or anaerobically, without oxygen. A term related to biodegradation is biomineralisation, in which organic matter is converted into minerals.

Biodegradable matter is generally organic material such as plant and animal matter and other substances originating from living organisms, or artificial materials that are similar enough to plant and animal matter to be put to use by microorganisms. Some microorganisms have the astonishing, naturally occurring, microbial catabolic diversity to degrade, transform or accumulate a huge range of compounds including hydrocarbons (e.g. oil), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), pharmaceutical substances, radionuclides and metals. Major methodological breakthroughs in microbial biodegradation have enabled detailed genomic, metagenomic, proteomic, bioinformatic and other high-throughput analyses of environmentally relevant microorganisms providing unprecedented insights into key biodegradative pathways and the ability of microorganisms to adapt to changing environmental conditions.
Source: Wikipedia.

Degradable vs. Biodegradable vs. Compostable

Compostable Plastic is plastic which is:

capable of undergoing biological decomposition in a compost site as part of an available program, such that the plastic is not visually distinguishable and breaks down to carbon dioxide, water, inorganic compounds, and biomass, at a rate consistent with known compostable materials (e.g. cellulose). and leaves no toxic residue.
American Society for Testing & Materials (ASTM).

In order for a plastic to be called compostable, three criteria need to be met:

  1. Biodegrade - break down into carbon dioxide, water, biomass at the same rate as cellulose (paper).
  2. Disintegrate - the material is indistinguishable in the compost, that it is not visible and needs to be screened out.
  3. Eco-toxicity - the biodegradation does not produce any toxic material and the compost can support plant growth.

Biodegradable Plastic

Biodegradable Plastic is plastic which will degrade from the action of naturally occurring microorganism, such as bacteria, fungi etc. over a period of time. Note, that there is no requirement for leaving "no toxic residue", and as well as no requirement for the time it needs to take to biodegrade.

Degradable Plastic

Degradable Plastic is plastic which will undergo a significant change in its chemical structure under specific environmental conditions resulting in a loss of some properties. Please note that there is no requirement that the plastic has to be degrade from the action of "naturally occurring microorganism" or any of the other criteria required for compostable plastics.

Please visit to know more about degradation and the types of degradable bags.

A plastic therefore may be degradable but not biodegradable or it may be biodegradable but not compostable (that is, it breaks down too slowly to be called compostable or leaves toxic residue).


Bioplastics can take different length of times to totally compost, based on the material and are meant to be composted in a commercial composting facility, where higher composting temperatures can be reached and is between 90-180 days. Most existing international standards require biodegradation of 60% within 180 days along with certain other criteria for the resin or product to be called compostable. It is also important to make the distinction between degradable vs. biodegradable vs. compostable as often these terms are used interchangeably.

Biodegradable or Biodegradeable?

It is very common to misspell biodegradable as biodegradeable (please take note yourself as some of our domains are actually misspelt!) and the same happens with degradable as degradeable. In fact when written down the word biodegradable often looks like an incorrect spelling and has been known to be corrected to biodegradeable by some overzealous and missinformed editors. So, now you know if someone tells you otherwise stick out your guns!

Biodegradable courier bags and mailing bags

For an extensive range of mailing bags including more green options for delivering your products by post to your customers please visit

Green is the new black

Recycling labelThe choice of packaging used by e-commerce retailers and how well this demonstrates a consideration for the environment affects the purchasing decisions of consumers, according to a packaging survey.

Research by strategic logistics partner Dotcom Distribution revealed that 60% of consumers think it is either important or very important that a retailer's packaging is sustainable.

Their 2013 e-Commerce Packaging Survey found that retailers who demonstrate sustainability is a priority are perceived as environmentally friendly, whilst customers themselves like to be seen as environmentally-conscious when deciding on where to shop and what to buy.

"It's clear that a retailer's packaging choice can have repercussions", said Maria Haggerty, president of Dotcom Distribution. "The results of this study show that packaging is not to be overlooked or underestimated for its possible impact on a brand."

Source: Dotcom Distribution 2013 eCommerce Packaging Survey - 'Brown Boxes Don't Deliver for Brands'